Monday, January 7, 2008

Humility On Sale: 49 Cents.

So, the family and I were at Mardel, our local Christian bookstore, when I decided to see if I could find any of my books there. I uncovered Mooch and Knuckle Sandwich in the "Teen Fiction" section (though they aren't, technically written to or about teenagers), but they were both faced out, with their very appealing covers prominent, so I couldn't make too much of a stink.

Feeling good, I headed toward the register and was brought low when I noticed Cracking Da Vinci's Code: Student Edition on a clearance rack. For 90% off. Total price? 49 cents.

The life of the published author...


Anonymous said...

I always wonder what that is like. I remember being in HMV (A big CD franchise) and there was a guy going through a bargain bin with his girlfriend. She asked him what his band used to be called, and he told her. She tried not to laugh, because in the bin she was looking at almost all the marked down CD's were of his band. Ouch.

At least with DaVinci Code it's a jump on the bandwagon type of product. It's not like a fiction novel that has a long shelf life. Now the movie is well past and the book is off the charts the demand will have dropped.

Ahh, now I can just dream about finding my books in the bargain bin...

Adam Palmer said...

Yes, I suppose I shouldn't feel too bad: I did see a hardcover copy of The Da Vinci Code for sale at the library for a dollar this weekend. Percentage-wise, I'm still ahead of Dan Brown. But he did have all those sales up front...

And yes, they still had my novels for sale, on the actual shelves and everything. So if they have to clear out one of my books, best that it be one of the ones I did more for the money than for the career longevity. But that's a whole other can of worms.